
Age 37, Male


Joined on 8/13/10

Exp Points:
28,986 / 30,020
Exp Rank:
Vote Power:
9.24 votes
Global Rank:
B/P Bonus:
3y 1d

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Recent Game Medals

307,920 Points

First Step 5 Points

Adventurous soul!

That's A Like 25 Points

6 Item Combo!

Tipsy 5 Points

Think + Drink! Reach 2000 points!

HEY LISTEN! 5 Points

Pestilence..! Reach 1500 points!

Great Character 5 Points

There he is... Reach 1000 points!

No Way 5 Points

3 Item Combo!

Gift Shopper 5 Points

Clear round 1.

Unearthed 5 Points

Start the game

The Pulsator 25 Points

Win as Pulse!

Pistol Whipper 25 Points

Win with the pistol!

Latest News


I'm trying to include everything you need to know about the medal system in this post. If you think I missed something, just tell me about it in the comments section below.

Latest updates ----- (10/5/2018)

- Updated 6. 

1- Latest events, challenges and contests: ----- (14/1/2015)

This section should be interesting?
If anyone is starting an event, a contest or a challenge related to medals or high scores, I will post it here. Just tell me about it in the comments below.

2- Important links, threads, and posts: ------ (6/4/2017)

- Games with medals: An old listing for medal games.
- Games with medals 2: A new listing for medal games.
- Newgrounds Medals - Games and Tips: A thread for discussing medal games.
- Global medal rankings: This is the official medal rankings list.
- Social medal rankings: A ranking list for friends only.
- Unofficial medal rankings: This list includes 200 medal users and exclude known hackers/cheaters.
- Improving the medal system: You can suggest new ideas/improvements for the medal system here.
- Official Broken Medals Thread: You can report broken medals here.
- Newgrounds Wiki: Medal Games: Walkthroughs and guides for medal games.
- Medal games guides collection: A post by Knuckstrike that includes some guides for medal games.
- Medal games guides collection 2: Another post for walkthroughs and guides, by Wylina.

3- Medal programs/add-ons:

- Medal statistics program: A program by Bobogoobo. It shows your medal statistics.

4- A list of untested medals:

No one knows if some of these medals are working or not since some of the requirements are difficult. In other words, these medals could be working just fine but someone has to prove it. Can you?
Your help would be appreciated here :3
Check out the list's description for further details.

5- Current known bugs: ----- (18/1/2015)

I don't think there are any ATM. If you find any bug/glitch related to medals, feel free to contact me or post a comment about it.

6- Who to contact? ----- (10/5/2018)

If you have any questions,suggestions, bug reports or anything else related to the medal system, don't hesitate to contact any of the following API/Medal mods:
EdyKel - EJR - ForNoReason - Knuckstrike - NijssePulseLane - Exedor - HerbieG

Other mods


I guess that's all for now o,o?


Latest Art

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Latest Shared Creations

My Level

Added to levels for HEXEP Oct 29, 2012.


Added to drawings for The Drawing Grounds Sep 4, 2012.


Added to skins for Skincraft Aug 28, 2012.

reach the top ?

Added to map design for Hurry Up Bob: Map Editor Dec 16, 2011.

enter map name

Added to map design for Hurry Up Bob: Map Editor Dec 16, 2011.

enter map name

Added to map design for Hurry Up Bob: Map Editor Dec 16, 2011.